Dragon Shield

Sleeves Duel Matte Fury (100)

Sleeves Duel Matte Fury (100)

Sleeves Duel Matte Fury (100)

Dragon Shield


Unleash a raging fury and cut down your opponents!

Dragon Shield's Dual Matte sleeves are fully opaque and have a black interior that creates a dramatic background for your TCG cards. Dual Matte sleeves ensure a great shuffle feel thanks to the matte, textured back.

Great sleeves for TCGs like One Piece, MTG, Pokemon, Flesh & Blood and Digimon!

  • For cards measuring up to 63×88 mm (2½”x3½”)
  • 100 sleeves per box
  • Every box has a printed label for labelling your favourite decks
  • All boxes are made of sturdy cardboard with original dragon artwork
  • Sturdy cardboard box fits 75+ sleeved cards

Great sleeves for TCGs like One Piece, MTG, Pokemon, Flesh & Blood and Digimon!

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